We Need the Wild

Embrace the Wild and Find Your Strength

REI quarter dome 1 tent at Round Valley Campground in Mt San Jacinto State Park

Leadership Lessons from the Trail: Embracing Discomfort, Teamwork, and Accountability

Mt San Jacinto State Park Wilderness

It’s 5:30 p.m., and I’m sitting at my campsite at 9,100 feet. It’s mid-October in the mountains, and the temperature is dropping fast. It’s too early for bed, and I still need to make dinner, put my food in the bear hang, and filter water.

My mind leans toward the lazy option—could I get by with the water I have until morning? The stream is a half mile away, and I’m not in the mood for more hiking. But that would mean an unpleasant morning: no coffee until I hiked back for water, and mornings in the mountains are freezing.

I’m with two friends. Two of us are tempted to skip the hike, but one of us has the sense to say, “It’s better to go tonight.” So, we grab our filters and food (you can’t leave food unattended), and we make the half-mile trek back to the stream—our only water source.

My friend made the right call. That short hike warmed us up, and I found the energy to cook dinner—something I nearly skipped in favor of a protein bar and bed. It’s amazing how easily our best intentions can slip away when we’re uncomfortable.

Leadership is a lot like that moment on the trail. It’s easy to avoid tough decisions when you’re tired or uncomfortable, to delay what you know needs to be done. Whether it’s having a hard conversation with a team member or tackling a supply chain issue, the easy path tempts us. But great leaders push through discomfort, knowing that doing the hard thing today makes tomorrow easier.

Leadership is also about the company you keep. On that mountain, it wasn’t just about getting the water—it was having someone who made the right call and motivated us to follow through. In organizations, leaders surround themselves with people who hold them accountable, who challenge them when they’re tempted to take shortcuts. Success often requires teamwork.

At the end of the day, whether on the trail or in the office, true leadership is about pushing through discomfort, holding yourself accountable, and surrounding yourself with people who challenge and support you along the way. Because it’s in those challenging moments that we grow the most, both as leaders and as individuals.

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